Time may vary.
Recent graduates of traditional or non-traditional learning paths; female entrepreneurs in the start-up phase.

Through the direct testimonies of women innovators in the T&C sector, we can both inspire other women looking to enter this field (what we call reputation management in this project), and learn from their experiences (which relates to the research aspects of this project).
In the first phase of this shemakes activity, we selected a number of respondents of our survey to perform more in-depth interviews about their experience as they enter or have recently entered the working world of the textile and clothing sector. In the documentation linked below, you can find sample questions, which you should certainly adapt to each interviewee and environment.
In the second half of the project, other labs are replicating women innovators interviews, each in their own way based on the needs and types of figures in each local community.
Interviews can take on a number of formats, from a traditional written interview with photos (normally the person conducting the interview in this case records, transcribes and edits the text) or a video interview, which can be edited to include short clips as well as shared in its entirety based on your diffusion needs.