Wool Mondays are three hybrid and diffused events in May, 2022, that will be held contemporaneously at shemakes labs across europe.
For Wool Mondays, which take place on three Mondays in May (2, 16 & 23), the shemakes network invites you to discover and dig into one wool-related topic at a time through convivial talks and hands-on workshops that will be hosted in different locations at the same time.
Three lenses shape our collective explorations: place, design, make. By this, we mean that labs are investigating their local ecosystems (place), experiencing original practices around sustainable natural dyeing processes (design) and developing open-source tool-making to create what we call Little Wool Factories (make).
We hope this event will inspire, connect and give concrete insights that will help foster local wool ecosystems driven by art, design and care.
Wool Mondays are taking place in the following cities/towns:
- In Barcelona, Spain, hosted by Fab Lab BCN / IAAC
- In Amsterdam, Netherlands, hosted by Textile Lab Waag
- In Iasi, Romania, hosted by REDU
- In Geneva, hosted by Onl'fait
- In London, UK, hosted by the Center for Circular Design
- In Kapfenstien, Austria, hosted by Farmlab
- In Brussels, Belgium, hosted by Green Fabric
- And finally in Iceland at the Icelandic Textile Center
This list may expand to other labs! If there is not a workshop in your location but you have a lab and would like to host one, please write to us at shemakes@fablabbcn.org.