The Year of Youth is about European Youth learning and sharing visions for a better and more greener future. Within this context, shemakes, a project focused on the textile and clothing industry (which incorporates the fashion industry as well), wants to hear from young people: what do you think about this field, do you want to work in this field, and what challenges do you feel that you face in order to successfully do so?
The results of this survey, which is entirely anonymous, will be collated and presented on this website and social media, as well as in a policy brief. This means that your voice will be heard by people in the European Union who can make a difference - those policy makers who receive input from projects like shemakes and who try to steer the future in the recommended direction.
If you're starting your career in fashion, give us three minutes of your time - take the survey today!
For an extra push, help us spread the word by sharing this page to your friends or networks.