What are the other projects bridging the gender gap in STEM?

Strengthening women’s participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields is not only a matter of equal opportunities and social justice, but also crucial to meet pressing societal challenges like the twin green and digital transitions. The EU is undertaking steps to foster gender equality in research and innovation at all stages across the European Research Area and European Education Area. In line with the European Strategy for Universities, the European Commission is working on addressing the under-representation of women in STEM fields through a roadmap of activities, including a manifesto on gender-inclusive STE(A)M education and careers. Targeted actions for long-term structural change include the development of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs), fostering greater participation of young girls in STEM activities, improving the recruitment, retention and promotion of women in research and innovation, and supporting women entrepreneurship in the EU and beyond. This leaflet highlights eight pioneering EU-funded projects supporting the goal of gender equality and inclusiveness in STEM.