Tasneem Hussain is an Electrical Engineer and a multi-skilled individual, who is striving for knowledge and continuous skills development and pursuing opportunities. Curious and passionate about waste management and the impact of sustainability in the digital world from an entrepreneurial mentality. Specialized in digital fabrication with a particular interest in electronics design and fabrication. She believes in the significance of open learning and she admires content development, teaching, and research-based education.
Tasneem is passionate about different handcrafts and she is impressed with the expanded room of creativity when technology is merged with handicrafts. From her perspective, arts and crafts are a lifestyle rather than just hobbies. Art is everywhere and what makes it special is that no one can go wrong with it, there are always new ways to show it and with creativity, the sky's the limit! For more than a year, Tasneem has been interested in making good use of the waste raw materials in Fab Labs for art and crafts projects and she is a sustainability advocate calling for innovative micro-businesses to invest in the waste material as their new raw material to make customized products for sale. She has one small business where she uses both digital fabrication technologies and handicrafts in a sustainable approach to make crafted pieces.
Read about Tasneem's ambassador experience in Berlin