Andreea Sofronea, Guru
Andreea is an artist by education, a green social entrepreneur by vocation, and both project manager and designer by profession. While being aware of the added value of the diversity related to her professional and academic background and current occupation, she doesn’t underestimate its challenges, as well.
One can easily make a parallel between the winding path of her personal and professional backgrounds. Both can be reflected by her current soul project – REDU (Iași, Romania) a social enterprise that uses garment waste from local clothing/textiles factories to create new ‘green’ products. She became a co-owner of this green social enterprise back in 2017, together with colleagues/former employees and also the mother organization in which she started as a volunteer about 12 years ago, Mai Bine (For the better).
At REDU she started as a facilitator for creative recycling, after that as a sewer, then as a designer, afterwards as project manager, and trainer on the topic of ecology and human ecology workshops.