Participate in the online talk by registering to attend Fab16
Shemakes partners present the project's first scientific paper about a very important topic, the role of women #makers in (textile) innovation. You can participate in the online talk by registering to attend the @fab16montreal conference at fab16.org.
This paper is presented in the context of the hybrid and diffused event Fab16, at which shemakes labs are providing a number of online and offline (in Paros, Greece) events: you can attend a Soft Robotics workshop or learn how to make an interactive textile character (suitable for kids!) in the hybrid workshops, participate in a co-creation session about gender vision, or listen to and ask questions at the scientific paper about women makers.
In this paper, we present the shemakes.eu project as a fertile ground for the maker movement and associated partners to reflect on gender gaps, proposing a series of interventions that raise awareness and empower women in lab environments, in the Textile and Clothing industry, and more widely in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy frameworks.
After giving a short overview of our research methodology based on action research, we present our work in four parts, starting with the contextualisation of the gender gap at different scales, mapping the emerging shemakes.eu innovation ecosystem, proposing a series of interventions through labs-based activities and projects, and reflecting on key lessons learned and future actions for the (women’s) maker movement.