An open discussion about innovative biomaterials, widely considered to be the future of design. They comprise both international and local experts whose research and development work is focused on biomass, cellulose materials and biomaterials:
- Anastasia Pistofidou, from the IAAC Fab Lab Barcelona, Spain, will talk about the work of the Fab Textiles research lab and the Fabricademy, textile and technology open-source programme for innovation in the textile and clothing sector;
- Pirjo Kääriäinen, Associate Professor of Design and Materials at Aalto University, finland, will discuss chemarts, an interdisciplinary programme at the intersection of design and materials research;
- Lorena Trebbi, a post-doc researcher and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, will present her work on biofabrication and the potential for implementing symbiotic processes between design and science;
- Dr. Uroš Novak from the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Slovenia, will give a presentation on his research in the fields of bioplastics, biocomposites and zero-waste technologies. Dr Novak is also an activist who promotes a plastic-free lifestyle as part of the bioapp movement.
- Dr. Mija Dežun and Dr. Igor Karlovits from the Pulp and Paper institute specialise in the optimisation of biomass use in production, as well as processes for bio-waste reduction, recycling and reuse.
- Matea Benedetti, Designer and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Design, Trzin, Slovenia, will tell us how her benedetti life fashion label, with its emphasis on sustainability, innovation and eco materials, was created.
17:00 | Welcome and introduction by Renata Zamida, Acting Director of the Rog Centre;
17:05 | Presentation about the shemakes project and the Innovative Biomaterials workshops, by Lucija Jankovec, Project Manager, Rog Centre;
17.10 | Lecture and presentations;
18:10 | Moderated discussion about the future and role of women innovators in the textile and clothing sector, followed by Q&A
19:00 | Closing.
The event will be held online in English. If you wish to take part in the discussion with our guests, you will need to register using the form: https://bit.ly/biomaterials-symposium